
The motivation stems from our attempt to understand Drinfeld's construction (el. [Dr2]) of special solutions of the Khniznik-Zamolodchikov equation (of. [K-Z]) with some prescribed asymptotic behavior and its consequences for some universal constructions associated to braiding: universal unipotent monodromy representations of braid groups, the construction of a universal Vassiliev invariant for knots, braided categories etc. The K-Z connection is a special flat meromorphic connection on C ~ with simple poles on a family of hyperplanes. It turns out that the prescription of the asymptotic behavior for such connections is controlled by the geometry of a suitable modification of C ~ in which the union of the polar hyperplanes is replaced by a divisor with normal crossings. In the process of developing this geometry we realized that our constructions could be developed more generally for subspace arrangements and became aware of the paper of Fulton-MaePherson [F-M] in which a Hironaka model is described for the complement of the big diagonal in the power of a smooth variety X. It became clear to us that our techniques were quite similar to theirs and so we adopted their notation of nested set in the appropriate general form. Although we work in a linear subspaces setting it is clear that the methods are essentially local and one can recover their results from our analysis applied to certain special configurations of subspaces. In fact the theory can be applied whenever we have a subvariety of a smooth variety which locally (in the gtale topology) appears as a union of subspaces.

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