
Part 1 Overview: promise and disappointment of the modern era - equality for women, Jane L. Ziele women's work, women's lives - a comparative economic perspective, Francine D. Blau and Marianne A. Ferber. Part 2 Modernizing regions: caught in the crisis - women in the economies of sub-Saharan Africa, Gordon Weil development and changing gender roles in Latin America and the Caribbean, Helen I. Safa women, employment, and social change in the Middle East and North Africa, Valentine M. Moghadam. Part 3 Socialist economies in transition: women and work in Communist and Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe, Sharon L. Wolchik the interaction of women's work and family roles in the USSR, Gail W. Lapidus. Part 4 Industrial economies: women's labour market experiences in the two Germanies, Hedwig Rudolph politics, progress and compromise - women's work and lives in Great Britain, Emma MacLennan central in the family and marginal in the work force - women's place in Japanese society, Ann Cordilia and Kazuko Ohta women and the welfare state in the Nordic countries, Elina Haavio-Mannila and Kaisa Kauppinen work-family policies in the United States, Joseph H. Pleck. Part 5 Conclusion: progress or stalemate? a cross-national comparison of women's status and roles, Hilda Kahne.

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