
This study aims to describe the struggle of women's characters toward gender unfair in domestic and public sector that reflected in Indonesian's novel. The root of the problem is patriarchy system that operated through various media in all field of life in society. In order to achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive qualitative approach with feminism literature critic is used. There are thirteen novels that are used as the source of the data: Azab dan Sengsara (1920), Sitti Nurbaya (1922), Kehilangan Mestika (1935), Layar Terkembang (1936), ManusiaBebas (1944), Widyawati (1948), Burung-burung Manyar (1980), (9) JalanBandungan (1989), Canting (1986), Saman (1999), Namaku Teweraut (2000), Putri (2000), andPerempuanBerkalung Sorban (2001). Based on the data analysis there two findings are found. First, the women's struggle toward gender unfair in domestic sector is happen because the tradition of pingitan (seclude of marriageable girl) and force for marriage which restraint the women's freedom especially as daughter. As a result, women are placed in domestic roles such as taking care of husband and children, do the house chores (cooking, cleaning the house, and washing the clothes). Second, the women's struggle toward gender unfair in public sector is done in form of struggle in discrimination in education and social, struggle of subordinate in economy, human rights and society service in isolated area.

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