
The article is devoted to highlighting the features and common characteristics of the English and French views of women on the Great French Revolution, based on the texts of M. Wollstonecraft, O. de Gouges and J. de Stael. The author analyzes the influence of the historical context on the formation of the writers' views on the events in France at the end of the XVIII century, as well as on the interpretation of the revolution itself, its causes and consequences in the works of M. Wollstonecraft, O. de Gouges and J. de Stael. The methodological basis of the research is the historical approach, the method of historical and philosophical reconstruction, comparative analysis, political and textual analysis and analysis of documents. In the future, the results can be used in studies of both the historiography of the French Revolution and its interpretations, as well as the history of the women's issue and the feminist movement.

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