
Women Safety Security System-Alert All Chat Application In today’s world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a smart phone can be used efficiently for personal security or various other protection purposes. The heinous incident that outraged the entire nation have wake nus to go for the safety issues and so a host of new apps have been developed to provide security systems to women via their phones. This Android Application for the Safety of Women and this app can be activated this app by a single click, whenever need arises. A single click on this app identifies the location of place through GPS and sends a message comprising this location URL to the registered contacts and also call on the first registered contact to help the one in dangerous situations. In the modern society, a girl’s primary concern is for her protection and safety. A few years ago, a lady had to use the social media system to express her outrage and serve as a warning to others about sexual harassment that she had experienced. According to a report, of people must endure sexual harassment against their will. In public spaces, at work, and at home, the percentages, and respectively. Police caseloads are initially a big problem, but there are other issues as well, such as not knowing the victim’s precise location or whether the crime was committed at all, and when there is insufficient proof, the police cease their investigation

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