
Women’s participation in every sector is a recognized prerequisite for attaining development in Bangladesh and also for any developing country. Though, women comprises half of the total population but their socio-economic condition is still poor, their position in a family is very difficult regarding various aspects such as: equal status of men-women, security-safety, social dignity and comprehensive stress. Traditionally, women were engaged in food preparation, cleaning, doing domestic works and child caring in their family. In Bangladesh, everybody thinks that these types of work are their gender role. Many functions of women are not considered as useful works. Participation of men and women are not equal in all spheres of life. Historically, police administration was male oriented and for the first time women joined in Bangladesh police in 1974. Therefore, it may be considered that women may have more challenges in policing. Women inclusion in all job sectors is very important and needs greater attention for the appointment of women in Bangladesh police administration. The aim of this study is to present a scenario on women participation in police administration in Bangladesh. This study also discusses the challenging factors to continue their job. Women participation in police administration is crucial . This sector is very essential for maintaining a country’s law and order situation, in a single word overall peace and progress of a country. This study suggests some recommendations for overcoming from the challenging factors. Government should be sincere about this issue.

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