
This article explores how Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) plays or fails to play a role in women’s community participation in Apac district, Northern Uganda. The article was underpinned by Freire’s literacy and Kabeer’s agency theories, which argue that the element of conscientisation enables the marginalised non-literates realise the reality of the world and recognise how it impedes their development. The research on which this article is based employed qualitative case study design to the life changes of 45 participants resulting from their acquired FAL knowledge and skills to participate in community activities and projects. The major findings revealed that FAL training contributes to women having a voice in community meetings and decision-making process and elected or appointed in different leadership positions. The article concludes that given its critical importance, FAL needs to be strongly and consistently supported by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) which coordinates the programme in Uganda as well as other local and international stakeholders. Given that FAL creates consciousness and transforms women’s lives to participate within their communities, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and development partners should ensure a well-built training programme targeting women for community development purposes.

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