
This article only purpose of research, this topics covers performance of women in top management level .Even a casual glance at the news over the past twelve months suggests that women are making big strides -- better educated than ever, stepping into high-profile CEO slots at companies like IBM (IBM) and Yahoo (YHOO), and, according to one much-publicized study, outnumbering men as the primary breadwinners in their households. Even so, in major U.S. companies, the percentage of women at or near the top has flat-lined. That's according to two new surveys of Fortune 500 companies by nonprofit research group Catalyst. On the plus side, notes Catalyst chief Ilene Lang, men-only Senate hearings and other highly visible events in 2012 meant that so many people started asking, 'Where are the women?' In an increasingly diverse society, people are getting less comfortable with seeing these groups of the powerful who are all white males. It may take a while for that discomfort to translate into change. For now, Catalyst's research shows, women's share of corporate board seats, at 16.6%, hasn't grown at all since 2004. The percentage of female executive officers at Fortune 500 companies is even smaller -- 14.3% -- and has remained flat for three straight years. MORE: The 50 Most Powerful Women in Business

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