
Women's traditional tasks are invisible in the official image of reindeer husbandry. The reindeer husbandry nowadays is represented as a meat producer, and the official documents are focused on the work with the reindeer herd. Traditionally, work with the herd and slaughtering belonged to men. In focusing only on certain tasks in the total industry, a lot of other important and necessary work will remain invisibly. A myth that reindeer husbandry is only for men arises easily, too. Bureaucrats, researchers and others who participate in the official debates on reindeer husbandry strengthen this myth. Since women and their tasks are not much visible in the official view of reindeer husbandry, they are indirectly defined outside the reindeer keeping and its activities. However, reindeer husbandry is more manifold than the official documents are presenting. Women's invisibility in the official image of reindeer husbandry strengthens further since only 17% of the production units are registered on women. Though the Reindeer-Management Act of 1996 was changed in the way that spouses together can be owners of a production unit, most men are still registered as leaders of the units. As a main rule, unmarried women and women who are married with men without production units have their herd under their father's or brother's unit. Thus, most women are formally under the leadership of men. Women's legal position is therefore weak since the rights of reindeer husbandry today are connected closely to the production unit. In leaving out important tasks and to describe reindeer husbandry as a work for only men can give a wrong image of reindeer husbandry and this false impression is strengthened when often repeated.


  • Innledning Kvinnens tradisjonelle arbeidsoppgaver er lite synlige i det offisielle bildet av reindriften

  • Ved å rette fokuset mot bestemte oppgaver i reindriften, vil andre viktige og nødvendige oppgaver bli usynlige

  • Women's traditional tasks are invisible in the official image of reindeer husbandry

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Kvinneperspektivet i fremtidig samisk reindrift

Sammendrag: Kvinnens tradisjonelle arbeidsoppgaver er lite synlige i det offisielle bildet av reindriften. Dagens reindrift blir fremstilt som kjøttprodusent, og offisielle skriv retter fokuset mot arbeidet med reinflokken. Ved å rette fokuset mot bestemte oppgaver i reindriften, vil andre viktige og nødvendige oppgaver bli usynlige. Når kvinner og deres arbeidsoppgaver er lite synlige i det offisielle bilde av næringen, kan konsekvensen bli at kvinner indirekte blir definert utenfor. Kvinners usynlighet i det offisielle bilde av reindriften forsterkes ytterligere når bare 17% av driftsenhetene er registrert på kvinner. Selv om Reindriftloven ble endret i 1996 ved at ektefeller i lag kan stå oppført som eiere av en driftsenhet, er det fremdeles flest menn som er registrert som innehavere av driftsenhetene. Ved å utelate viktige arbeidsoppgaver samt å fremstille reindrift som utelukkende menns arbeid, gis et skjevt bilde av reindriften. Det skjeve bildet forsterkes i tillegg når det gjentas ofte

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