
Women usually find it difficult to integrate into the Construction Industry (CI); and many leave without achieving their goals and/or utilizing their true potentials. “The Leaky Pipe Syndrome” through which women opt out of CIat different stages of their career is a common scenario around the world.Moreover, a “Glass Wall”, traditional horizontal employment segregation, still persists in Sudanese CI coupled with a “Glass Ceiling Phenomena” which describes a vertical segregation limiting women chances in reaching seniordecision-making positions. A previous study by the author highlighted the existence of these phenomena in the Sudanese CI.As part of a 3-year (2010-2012) research project on women participation in Sudanese CI, two extensive surveys were conducted to examine the current situation of women in CI in Khartoum. The surveys interviewed femaleemployees and their employers in consultancy, contracting, services, material suppliers and entrepreneurs. It investigated aspects dealing with status quo, training, barriers, discrimination, social image and future outlook for the roleof women in Sudanese CI. Through in depth analysis of collected data; this paper investigates the underlying factors, their manifestation in the workplace and the way forward towards a more active role for women in Sudanese CI.The research analyses similar literature and attempts to bring a comparative multidisciplinary, social, cultural and psychological perspective to the problem.The results highlighted certain barriers and constraints facing women in CI. Job retention of CI jobs was found to be particularly problematic for women affecting their professional career prospects. Their progress in the first 5-10years in the job was found to be more variable than men and their move from junior to middle positions is particularly difficult. However, the results also indicated a positive cultural change towards women employment in generaland in CI in particular.

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