
Entrepreneurs are seen as national assets to be motivated, cultivated and remunerated to the greatest degree possible. Entrepreneurs develop innovative ideas that provide civilization with a large number of products and services which change the way we work and live. The benefits they offer are by creating job opportunities, improving standard of living and contributing to the overall growth of the economy. The present study focuses on scenario to of women entrepreneurship in the North Eastern state of India - prospects and challenges of woman entrepreneurship , along with the promotional policies relating women entrepreneurship for the future In view of the ever increasing problems facing the women entrepreneurs. The North Eastern Region of India (NER) is unique in terms of growth opportunities because it has the potential to become India's economic powerhouse, with a thriving source of energy, oil, natural gas, coal, and limestone, as well as the world's largest perennial water system in the Brahmaputra and its tributaries. As most of the population live in rural area in North East region due to lack of education and skill development courses of entrepreneurship, it is very difficult to growth of woman entrepreneurship in North East India. Education has been instrumental in increasing the participation of women in entrepreneurial activities. Government should provide batter educational facilities and schemes to women folk. A Women Entrepreneur's Guidance Cell should be set up to handle the various problems of women entrepreneurs all over North East Region.

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