
India is a land of more than 100crores population. It is considered as a nation with rich human resource. The core strength of India is its human power, which is inbound strength. Out of 1 billion population women are almost half of it. If India wants to achieve the Vision 2020 given by Dr. A.P.J. Adul Kalam, Former President of India, and if it wants to be a super power and a nation to reckon with on the global map it needs to create equal opportunities to its largest strength-Human resource. No country can dream of becoming developed nation where half of its population is deprived of opportunity. No country can think of becoming an economic super power, where half of its population is idle and not contributing anything to the growth of a nation. We as a nation have to provide an opportunity for the overall development of the society. It should be an inclusive growth rather than a growth subjected to one gender, one race or sect. If growth of a nation has to be sustainable, than it should be inclusive growth otherwise it would not be possible to sustain growth for a longer period

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