
The paper is an attempt to analyze the situation of females in Bangladesh and perspective of their empowerment in terms of political participation. Women empowerment and development is a multi dimensional approach. Inequalities between men and women; and discrimination against women have been a sensitive issue all over the world. The political participation of women has been recognized internationally as a significant measure of the status of the women in any country. In recent year's women's participation in politics and decision making has given important attention through the world. Women remain underrepresented in decision making process. Women in Bangladesh are living in quite an inferior life standard as compared to that of the women in India and other South Asian countries. The challenge and opportunities will be discussed in this paper A historic declaration was signed by 189 countries in Beijing in 1995, 24 years ago which sets the agenda for realizing women's rights and women empowerment. There have been many achievements in women empowerment perspective but still many serious gaps are remaining. This paper attempts to analyze the status of women empowerment in Bangladesh. In a patriarchal system the father or in his absence the next male kin is the head of the household by this system both economic control and decision making power are vested in hands of man. Women role in political participation is also depend on the decision of family whether they will participate in this field or not. The empowerment of women means the development of women as a very aware person who is politically aware, financially productive and capable of intelligent discussion in those cases which affect them.

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