
Women's empowerment is a broad, multifaceted term. It has to do with the social, political, economic, and other facets of existence. Given its breadth, it implies that all facets of life require empowerment. It appears that empowerment in all areas of life will begin at the same time. At numerous levels and in all facets of life, empowerment manifests. Importantly, the idea incorporates ideologies into its development. It is founded on gender equality, the capacity for assertiveness, and the facilitation of skill development. The phrase has been used to refer to a broad range of ideas and to characterise an abundance of results. The oppression of women under patriarchy, together with the harsh treatment and lack of appreciation for their achievements, are the roots of women's empowerment. It is crucial to support women's positive contributions to global development by facilitating meaningful engagement on their part. Importantly, advancing women's empowerment raises questions about the development goals of freedom, social justice, and equality. In its publications, the World Bank (2001) identifies gender equality as a means of promoting growth, reducing poverty, and improved governance as well as a development goal in and of itself. Women's empowerment could contribute to a country's overall growth in this way. The study makes an effort to define the concept of empowerment in general and women's empowerment in particular.

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