
Tall, powerful athletes surge toward the goal in the last seconds of a fiercely fought game, providing excitement to an arena full of basketball fans. Increasingly, challenging games like this are being played by women's college teams. With the passage of Title IX and the success of the WNBA (Women's National Basketball League), women's college teams have received more support and attention both from academic institutions and basketball fans. One of the primary reasons for the growing interest in women's college basketball is the dedication of the women who coach these student athletes to personal and athletic success. Women currently coach nearly 65 percent of the women's basketball teams in all divisions of the NCAA. Their commitment to their sport and to their athletes has resulted in a game and a generation of athletes unlike any other.This analysis of the role of women coaches in college basketball provides a detailed history of women's involvement in college sports, as well as insights into the work of the great women coaches of the past and present, all highlighted through interviews with some of the most important women coaches of today.

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