
This paper aims at investigating the challenges preventing women chefs from reaching the top positions in the kitchen of a hotel and identifying measures in overcoming them. In recent years, the increased number of women in the hospitality industry and their under representation in top positions has made women's status in the industry a great concern. Majority of women chefs are not in situations that would lead them to the positions of Executive Chefs. There are several factors preventing women chefs from reaching the glass ceiling. The study identifies such factors and suggests measures to prepare women for leadership positions in the hospitality industry and find ways to overcome the barriers that may exist to women's career advancement. However, there are many factors which are hampering the rate at which the industry could be growing. Some, the hotels can control and some need inputs from the government in the form of policies and programmes for the young women chefs who join afresh. The purpose of this study is to highlight the main challenges faced by the women chefs in the hospitality industry, envision a change and explore solutions for sustainability in the ever - changing market scenario. Studies show that hotel organizations keep up to their words and give women employees their dues like promotions, incentives, etc, but still women chefs unduly are unable to reach the top positions. It is important for patrons of hotel industry to deliberate these challenges in a professional way and support them in their ventures. Many studies need to be carried out to enable the organizations to learn more about the importance of growth of women chefs in their organizations.

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