
THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT constitutes a call of to profound renewal in its ministry, a renewal which broadly affects structures of and asks for a deep conversion in persons. Before Vatican II, Catholics who thought Church thought hierarchy. This emphasis had placed laymen and all women, so far as social expression of was concerned, in a passive stance, dependent upon initiatives and continuing directives of clerical order. Movements resulting from lay persons' dynamic relationship with God in prayer and reflection on daily experience were deflected into roles and limited by rules which expressed perceptions of a totally male hierarchy and sense of ministry. Vatican II stirred hearts by its insights, steeped in biblical tradition, into nature of Church. is mystery, is a sacrament of union with God and of unity of persons, is people related to God through Christ, is ever anew responding in Spirit to signs of times. Women in particular resonated with this teaching, experiencing a sense of being in a dimension which was new to them. earlier emphasis on roles which had separated women from as hierarchy gave way before Council's teaching on the exalted dignity proper to human The rights and duties of person are universal and inviolable. These include right to choose a state of life freely right to education to a good reputation to activity in accord with upright norm of one's own conscience . 3 call to end discrimination by reason of sex indicated that woman was to be included in full dignity to be accorded person. These teachings, together with whole cultural movement towards a fairer valuation of woman, awakened in women a new consciousness of their potential. As they grew in self-respect, they experienced a new sense

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