
The aim of the research is to highlight the philological views of one of the most erudite and consistent opponents of the purist renewal of the French language of the era of classicism, Mademoiselle Marie Le Jarre de Gournay, which she set out in the four treatises reviewed in the article. To achieve this goal, the article uses a number of general scientific methods, the choice of which is based on the polyparadigmal methodological approach, according to which the object of research is a reflection of the author's worldview, which was formed under the influence of certain historical and cultural processes and defined the conceptual basis of the author's thinking. This approach determined the choice of relevant methods and techniques. Fundamental among them is the method of linguistic observation, which is used to obtain primary information about the subject of research, descriptive and analytical, which helped to conduct a qualitative analysis of the subject of research and the method and ntretratsionno-text, which was involved in depth analysis of the contents of author's intentions. Methodical methods with systematization, generalizations, descriptions and comparisons have also been applied. The scientific novelty of intelligence lies in the fact that for the first time Russian Romanistics is acquainted with the philological works of Marie de Gournay, an outstanding French philologist of the late 16th - early 16th centuries, who opposed many linguistic innovations rigidly imposed on the French by reformers headed by Mahlerb. Conclusions. Treatises by Marie de Gournay shed light on a wide range of issues of the functioning of the French language at the end of the 16th - early 17th centuries, so a thorough study of these works is of outstanding importance, not only for a better understanding of the history of the French language development, but also for a better understanding of how the foundations of poetic creativity were created future writers and poets of France.

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