
Introduction. The article is devoted to the views of the Russian religious philosopher, critic and publicist V. V. Rozanov on the “woman’s question” of the mid- 19th – early 20th century. The author pays attention to such social aspects of a woman’s life as: marriage, education, work, rights, opportunities for social self-realization. The relevance of the article is due to the undoubted interest of society in the woman’s topic and the Russian woman’s movement. The purpose of the article is to reveal the views of V. V. Rozanov on a woman, comparing them with the ideas of the woman’s emancipation movement of the middle of 19th and early 20th centuries. Materials and Methods. The study used hermeneutic, comparative and comparative historical methods that help to identify the views of the Russian thinker on a woman from his philosophical and journalistic works. Results. The article examined V. V. Rozanov’s interpretation of the divorce process, the position of women in the family, society, the opportunities for women to receive education and realization in the labor sphere. An analysis of the works chosen by the author made it possible to single out the views of the Russian thinker in support of the ideas and demands of Russian women. Discussion and Conclusion. The author of the article concludes that Rozanov supported most of the demands of Russian women at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries and, at the same time, about the philosopher’s traditional approach to understanding the nature of a woman as a soft and gentle creature, her main social functions related to motherhood and family.

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