
The occurrence of tungsten mineralization of greisen type with the dominant ferberite and scheelite in quartz veins was detected in 1963 at the site Pekelský vrch near Jihlava. We conducted a detailed mineralogical research of the vein material sampled in the years 2020 - 2022. The dominating tungsten mineralization is represented especially by two chemically different types of ferberite, including relatively pure younger ferberite and older generation of ferberite containing substantial amounts of hübnerite (19 - 45 mol.%) and huanzalaite component (2.6 - 4.1 mol.%). Widespread scheelite replaces earlier ferberite, and is replaced by younger generation of ferberite. The Ti,W-rich columbite-(Fe) is an accessory phase associated with younger generation of ferberite. In addition to tungsten mineralization, there was recorded a varied sulphidic mineralization with dominating pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, molybdenite and rare sulphosalts including matildite and gustavite, and locally also tellurosulphides (joséite-A and joséite-B), native bismuth and electrum. The supergene mineralization with Fe3+ hydroxides, bismutite, bismite, petitjeanite, kintoreite, corkite, plumbogummite, jarosite and iodargyrite is relatively rare. The gangue is dominated by quartz with flakes of low-F phengitic muscovite and rare siderite and fluorapatite. In addition, a fragment of an Al-rich rock, composed of corundum, andalusite, margarite and muscovite, was identified in the dump material. A total of 32 mineral species was found there.

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