
It was suggested by Terlevich & Melnick (1985) that many nuclei classified as Seyfert 2s could be associated with WR stars recently formed in a powerful starburst. Since then, the signature of WR stars has been claimed to be observed in several Seyfert 2s and LINERs. Goncalves et al. (1999) have shown that a small number of Seyfert 2s have very weak [N ii] 6548,6584 lines, suggesting that these objects could be partly ionized by WR stars. We have obtained high S/N spectra of such “Weak-[N ii] Seyferts” to investigate if WR stars can be observed in galaxies without any other evidence for a starburst nebulosity. Amongst other findings, we have detected the presence of emission features such as Si ii 5056,6347 and Ni ii 7380. Other lines, such as [Ar iv] 4711,4740 and [Fe iii] 4658 are possibly present, mimicking the Bowen blend. The detection of WR stars in AGN poses interesting questions concerning the link between nuclear activity and star formation, providing another angle to the study of the Starburst–AGN connection. However, one must be very careful in interpreting the available data; for the time being, the role played by WR stars in these AGN remains an open debate.

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