
Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway plays a role in cancer development, organogenesis, and embryogenesis. The abnormal activation promotes cancer stem cell renewal, proliferation, and differentiation. In the present study, molecular docking simulation and ADMET studies were carried out on selected bioactive compounds in search of β-catenin protein inhibitors for drug discovery against cancer. Blind docking simulation was performed using PyRx software on Autodock Vina. β-catenin protein (PDB ID: 1jdh) and 313 bioactive compounds (from PubChem database) with selected standard anticancer drugs were used for molecular docking. The ADMET properties of the best-performing compounds were calculated using SwissADME and pkCMS web servers. The results obtained from the molecular docking study showed that glycyrrhizic acid, solanine, polyphyllin I, crocin, hypericin, tubeimoside-1, diosmin, and rutin had the best binding interactions with β-catenin protein based on their binding affinities. Glycyrrhizic acid and solanine had the same and lowest binding energy of -8.5 kcal/mol. This was followed by polyphyllin I with -8.4 kcal/mol, and crocin, hypericin, and tubeimoside-1 which all had a binding energy of 8.1 kcal/mol. Other top-performing compounds include diosmin and rutin with binding energy of -8.0 kcal/mol. The ADMET study revealed that the following compounds glycyrrhizic acid, solanine, polyphyllin I, crocin, hypericin, tubeimoside-1, diosmin, rutin, and baicalin all violated Lipinski's rule of 5 which implies poor oral bioavailability. However, based on the binding energy score, it was suggested that these pharmacologically active compounds are potential molecules to be tested against cancer.

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