
Subtle genetic variants in ion-channel genes might be at the origin of less rare forms of hypertension in the general population. To test this hypothesis, we observed the role of several important polymorphisms (T1155547C at exon7, G1155942T at exon8, G1156666A at intron10, and C1163527T at intron14) of WNK4 (with-no-kinase) gene on the prevalence of essential hypertension in a Chinese minority ethnic group—the Uyghur population. We did not find a significantly different distribution of genotype and allele frequency of T1155547C, G1155942T, and G1156666A between hypertensives and controls, but we observed a significantly higher frequency of T allele in hypertensive subjects than controls (8.4% vs. 5.7%) (P = 0.02) of C1163527T polymorphism at intron14. Compared with the individuals with two C allele, individuals with at least one T allele show 55% of excess risk in developing hypertension (OR = 1.56, 95% CI:1.06–2.28). In a further analysis, we did not observe a significantly higher or lower odds ratio of haplotype frequency in the hypertensives than in the controls across haplotype encompassing G1155942T, G1156666A, and C1163527T. Thus, a positive association of C1163527T at intron 14 reveals that the WNK4 gene might be involved in the prevalence of essential hypertension in the Uyghur population. Further study should be conducted to observe the role of this gene on hypertension in other populations.

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