
The Image of President‑Elect Andrzej Duda in the Polish Catholic Weekly Magazines Gość Niedzielny and Niedziela The article concerns the research area of political science and media studies, and in particular refers to the issue of mediatization of political communication. The purpose of the text is to establish the press image of president‑elect Andrzej Duda after winning the second round of Poland’s presidential elections in 2015, based on content analysis of Catholic weekly magazines Gość Niedzielny and Niedziela. This study covers the period of time between 25 May 2015 and 15 August 2015. The author examined the degree of interest in the mentioned newspapers for the person of president elect, size and placement of texts, interpretative framework in which he was presented (politico‑social, familial, scientific and religious), and the nature of the texts depicting Andrzej Duda (information, publications).

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