
To succeed in a global and integrated economy, various organizations – especially in business – need the efficient management and be able to cooperate with a lot of institutions; alsothey need to fulfill expectation of their partners and customers as well as carefully study theactivities of their competitors. Additional complication and difficulties for the company management result from continuous changes in above conditions and expectations that sometimes areeven contradicted. Requirements for the modern managers are multidimensional and strict. Sothe article emphasizes a typology of managers and their personal attributes. These attributes aswell as a knowledge and skills and an intellectual mastery show whether manager is able tocommunicate with people and properly react – all of these traits fundamentally affect companysuccess. If you look for competent and efficient manager long questionnaires with variouspersonal and managerial attributes are not enough; also high ethical level is essential. Onlythese managers reach real success who besides having the knowledge, the skills, the courage,and the experience they are also honest and solid; and respected moral values direct their works.

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