
Objectives: The study aimed to survey wives' opinion about the extent to which their husbands consider the skills of family prophetic communication in their married life.
 Methods: The study followed the descriptive approach in a field survey style, through a questionnaire tool that was built based on extrapolation of family communication skills in the Prophetic Sunnah, and the conclusions of previous studies on these skills. The tool was applied to a sample of wives in Irbid governorate during the academic year 2020/2021, with a percentage of 5% of the study population.
 Results: The results of the study showed that men employ verbal prophetic skills in family communication with their wives whenever the wife is younger. There is also a clear effect of the factor of the duration of marriage, and the relationship between them is inverse, the shorter the period of marriage, the higher the consideration for skills. The nature of the husband’s work is related to the extent to which the husbands take these skills into consideration, clearly and in a positive relationship. The results indicate that spouses who hold a scientific level (higher studies) are the most appreciative and consider the precautionary measures that prevent the occurrence of marital problems before they occur.
 Conclusions: The study recommends the need to take care of the Prophet's skills in family communication, disseminate them by including them in the study curricula, mosque discourse, family reform institutions, and radio and television media programs, and others.

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