
Salmon straying is often defined as the failure of adults to return to their natal river system. However, straying within a river basin can be problematic if hatchery salmon do not return to their hatchery of origin and subsequently spawn in the wild with natural-origin salmon. We examined within-river straying patterns from 34 years of coded-wire tag data, representing 29 941 hatchery fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Elk River, Oregon, USA. Using classification tree analysis, we found that females and larger salmon were more likely to be recovered on the spawning grounds than males and smaller fish. Females larger than 980 mm had a 51.6% likelihood of recovery on the spawning grounds rather than at the Elk River Hatchery. Our findings raise questions about the behavior of straying adults and implications for management of these stocks, with a focus on methods to reduce within-river straying. We recommend further studies to determine whether carcass recoveries are fully representative of hatchery salmon that stray within the Elk River basin.

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