
Germane to this conference is the theoretical and experimental question of how a periodic array of rare earth atoms can pass from a local moment (magnetically ordered), to a “Kondo” nonmagnetic, to a mixed valent nonmagnetic ground state. At present it is unclear whether the ground state of the intermetallic compound CeAl2 falls in the ordered magnetic or the “Kondo” nonmagnetic regime. At about 3.9° K there are a set of anomalies in thermal expansion, specific heat and susceptibility1 which appear to be indicative a second order phase transition. Cornut,2 Tournier and Holtzberg,3 and Loewenhaupt and Steglich4 have discussed Kondo effects in this compound. In this paper we will discuss the measurements of thermal expansion, magnetostriction and specific heat near the transition into the low temperature phase (LTP) of CeAl2.

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