
In the context of “Made in China 2025” and “Industry 4.0”, the traditional furniture manufacturing industry is undergoing a transformation towards digitization, informatization, and intelligence. In this regard, modeling and simulation (M&S) have been comprehensively applied in wooden furniture manufacturing, effectively enhancing product quality, manufacturing efficiency, and reducing production costs. This paper referenced the steps of a scoping review method, initially presenting guiding questions regarding the application technologies, scenarios, changes, and challenges of M&S in wooden furniture manufacturing. From a preliminary search, 307 out of 4232 papers were selected for analysis, and a further refined selection of 123 papers was chosen for the report. To provide more insightful answers to the questions, a small number of relevant review papers from external sources on other aspects of wooden furniture manufacturing, “Made in China 2025”, and Industry 4.0, were also incorporated. After summarizing and defining the themes of the literature included in the analysis, our analysis concluded that M&S technologies in wooden furniture manufacturing can be categorized into digital modeling technologies, numerical analysis, mathematics and algorithms, and intelligent M&S technologies. The application of M&S in wooden furniture manufacturing scenarios primarily focuses on wooden furniture design M&S and wooden furniture production-oriented M&S. Specifically, M&S in wooden furniture design encompasses wooden furniture digital and intelligent design, wooden furniture three-dimensional modeling and virtual exhibition, wooden furniture structure M&S, as well as assessment and design for the life cycle of wooden furniture. Wooden furniture production-oriented M&S includes wood processing with tools M&S, wooden furniture component parts M&S, wooden furniture manufacturing management M&S, and other production-oriented M&S. Consequently, we propose that the transformation brought about by M&S in wooden furniture manufacturing is not only evident in the application and depth of these technologies but is of greater significance in the transformation of the wooden furniture knowledge system, the workflow in various stages product lifecycle, and the value chain of wooden furniture enterprises. This transformation faces challenges posed by the dynamic furniture market, changing design environments, and variable production environments, which introduce new attributes such as big data, high dynamics, uncertainty, strong coupling, and multi-objectives. In the future, M&S in wooden furniture manufacturing will advance towards increasing technological applications in various wooden furniture manufacturing scenarios, which includes further applications of M&S technologies, consisting of intelligent M&S technologies in the field of wooden furniture manufacturing. This reviewing paper aims to provide methods and insights for the more reasonable and efficient utilization of M&S techniques in wooden furniture and timber product manufacturing. This serves as a reference and guide for the furniture industry’s transition from digital manufacturing towards intelligent manufacturing for higher-quality development.

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