
Blockchain (BC) methods is one of the best technologies in the Internet of Things (IoT) environments, it is a distributed sharing mechanism and communicate the IoT devices with secure manner. A blockchain is a connection of blocks and each block is linked to its earlier blocks. All block has the security hash code, previous block hash, and its data. The transaction between the BlockChain are the data is transfer between one IoT block nodes to another IoT Block node. The IoT device nodes are various types of physical devices like smart devices with embedded sensors, actuators, and capable of be in touch with other IoT device nodes. The responsibility of BlockChain in IoT is to grant a method to provide protected data transmission through IoT device nodes. In this paper discussed about the blockchain technology is how to secure the IoT transmission data and what are the challenges comes into these technologies. BlockChain is a safe method that can be used widely. IoT needs this type of skill to permit protected communication among IoT device nodes in mixed atmosphere.

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