
This study investigated whether Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised Form (WISC-R) and Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM) tests can accurately predict the mathematical success of children in elementary school with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Method: In this study, WISC-R and RSPM tests were performed on 150 elementary school children (25 attention deficit, 25 hyperactivity-impulsivity, 25 combined type, 75 Control) aged 6 to 10 years. In the evaluation process, children’s attitude toward mathematics was determined and their scores were recorded. Results: Children in the control group scored higher in WISC-R subtests. Also there were significant differences in some WISC-R subtests (Vacobulary, Picture Arrangement, Picture Arrangement and Coding) scores between ADHD subtypes. When the relationship between WISC-R and RSPM tests was examined using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, a weak but significant positive correlation was found. Conclusion: This study showed that WISC-R and RSPM tests did not predict mathematical success. Also it showed that there was no linear correlation between mathematical skills and cognitive activity speed of studied elementary school children with ADHD.

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