
Polymorphous light eruption (PLE) is the most common photodermatosis with a prevalence of 10 to 20%. 90% of patients with light-induced dermatoses are affected by PLE. In the pathogenesis of PLE free radicals, induced by UV-rays, seem to play an important role. The prophylactic efficacy of topically applied antioxidants, like alpha-Glucosylrutin and Tocepherolacetate, in experimentally provoked polymorphous light eruption has been shown in several clinical studies. These results were verified in a clinical-in-use study in 577 outpatients under field conditions during a summer holiday period. Clinical symptoms of PLE and acne aestivalis, as well as pruritus, showed significant improvements in comparison with last year's holiday. Only in 10,4% of cases PLE symptoms were documented although the patients had applied the test products. The holiday sites were comparable in both holidays and showed no significant difference. The application of the test products revealed a very good skin compatibility. Although there was a high portion of patients (39,9%) suffering from additional dermatological diseases, especially atopic eczema, only 9 patients showed intolerance reactions to the test products. Accordingly, patients' and physicians' estimations on the efficacy and compatibility of the products were similarly positive.

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