
This paper presents a novel approach — WireWarping for computing a flattened planar piece with length-preserved feature curves from a 3D piecewise linear surface patch. The property of length-preservation on feature curves is very important to industrial applications for controlling the shape and dimension of products fabricated from planar pieces. WireWarping simulates warping a given 3D surface patch onto plane with the feature curves as tendon wires to preserve the length of their edges. During warping, the surface-angle variations between edges on wires are minimized so that the shape of a planar piece is similar to its corresponding 3D patch. Two schemes — the progressive warping and the global warping schemes are developed, where the progressive scheme is flexible for local shape control and the global scheme gives good performance on highly distorted patches. Experimental results show that WireWarping can successfully flatten surface patches into planar pieces while preserving the length of edges on feature curves.

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