
In recent years technology is evolving day by day and it has changed the entire world. Recently we have observed a major technological revolution, everyone including kids have cell phones, tablets etc. With the extensive use of technology, power requirement also increases. In some condition, where electricity is not available and there is an urgent need of power for small application such as cell phone, laptop or any other hand held device, a need of such technology is necessary to charge these devices wirelessly. In this regard, we propose a method of Wireless Transmission of power, it is a kind of technology that is used to power the device without a wire and it is useful where electrical wires are hazardous or inconvenient. This technology is compatible for reducing heavy line loses. Wireless Power Transmission is also applicable for Automotive area i.e., electric cars to avoid range anxiety in a convenient manner. This technology is also applicable for producing electricity with the help of solar cells. It is also applicable in biomedical instruments i.e., wearable pacemaker, ECG monitoring through wireless power. In our proposed work, we have designed a system based on transmission of power wirelessly to operate electronic devices such as mobile phone, laptop, LED bulbs, etc. through magnetic resonant coupling. Two coils are used, one is transmitter and other is receiver, magnetic flux is generated this causes EMF to induce in receiving coil. Magnetic resonance coupling is a phenomenon where transfer of power is highly efficient between the transmitter and receiver. In conventional inductive coupling, efficiency drops off.

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