
The intelligent sensing and communication technology in the airports’ grid information system provides a multidimensional big data set for analyzing flight delays. These data from air traffic control, weather, and multiple determinants will cause initial flight delays. Due to the influence of adjacent flight time correlation, the initial delay causes the delay of subsequent flights, discovered by mining information sensing data, forming the phenomenon of flight delay diffusion. Different determinants will lead to the delay diffusion form of different regions, and more seriously, it will lead to “disaster area” delay in the whole regional grid information structure. To analyze the spatial impact of each factor on flight delay and explore the regional distribution of delay determinants, this paper combined the spatial regression model and determined the key explanatory variables by statistical and processing of the aviation system data. The case study showed the spatial airport delay characteristics in terms of aircraft movements in China. After processing intelligent sensing and communication data, the results show that there is a spatial effect between airports in terms of delay and determinants. The high-delay clusters of delay constraints principally occurred in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebe and Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations. Direct flights, weather, new flight routes, take-off, and landing capacity have a more critical impact on spatial airport delays. The use of Internet of Things technology to perceive, analyze, and integrate multiple information of airport delay and combine spatial analysis models can accurately mine delay characteristics and effectively achieve digital and intelligent flight delay management.

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