
Central heating is a sophisticated process, and many factors influence the heating loading for boilers, without comprehensively monitoring and analysis, it is difficult to find out potential hazards of substation heating supplying electrical equipment. This paper presents wireless machine to machine remote substation monitoring system for district heating system, at first, with PhoneGap, which is a free and open source framework that can realize the cross-platform, native development can be substituted using web development technology, and the code of the web app can be transplanted to different mobile operation systems. Under the cross-platform framework, the basic application interface is created using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Moreover, the server obtains data from database and sends the data in a XML file to Client. Then AJAX and DOM are used to read the file and obtain all the elements in the tree structure of XML. Finally, the monitoring data for district central heating system are showed in different kinds of scenarios, which are real-time curve view, graphical view and tabular view. Finally, the machine to machine performances are measured and analyzed.

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