
This paper considers the transmitter design for wireless information and energy transfer (WIET) in a multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel (IFC). The design problem is to maximize the system throughput (i.e., the weighted sum rate) subject to individual energy harvesting constraints and power constraints. Different from the conventional IFCs without energy harvesting, the cross-link signals in the considered scenario play two opposite roles in information detection (ID) and energy harvesting (EH). It is observed that the ideal scheme, where the receivers can simultaneously perform ID and EH from the received signal, may not always achieve the best tradeoff between information transfer and energy harvesting, but simple practical schemes based on time splitting may perform better. We therefore propose two practical time splitting schemes, namely time division mode switching (TDMS) and time division multiple access (TDMA), in addition to a power splitting (PS) scheme which separates the received signal into two parts for ID and EH, respectively. In the two-user scenario, we show that beamforming is optimal to all the schemes. Moreover, the design problems associated with the TDMS and TDMA schemes admit semi-analytical solutions. In the general K-user scenario, a successive convex approximation method is proposed to handle the WIET problems associated with the ideal scheme and the PS scheme, which are known to be NP-hard in general. The K-user TDMS and TDMA schemes are shown efficiently solvable as convex problems. Simulation results show that stronger cross-link channel powers actually improve the information sum rate under energy harvesting constraints. Moreover, none of the schemes under consideration can dominate another in terms of the sum rate performance.

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