
In recent years popularity of smart Home has been increasing due to low price and simplicity through tablet and Smartphone connectivity. It is an automation of house or home activity. Raspberry Pi3 is a small computer with digital input output capability and it was introduced in 2016; input/output ability besides the availability of all computer features make this system very suitable to be central unit can for smart home. Smart Home may contain centralize controller which control heating, lightning, ventilation in the home, HAVC( Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning), Safety locks of gates, doors and other system to provide improve comfort, better energy efficiency and security. The aim of this Paper is to develop a smart home application using RPi3, wemose-d1 and GSM. Programming has been developed in C++ in wemose-d1 and Python environment for RPi3 operation. The MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol) technologic used to connect between raspberry pi3 and nodes.

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