
A real time wireless Electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor system for drowsiness detection. Drowsy driving has been implicated as a casual factor in many accidents. Therefore real time drowsiness monitoring can prevent traffic accidents effectively. In this study, EEG sensor system was developed to monitor the human cognitive state and provide biofeedback to the driver when the drowsy state occurs. The proposed system consist a driver status in order to link the fluctuation of driver performance with changes in brain activity and process the EEG recordings. This detection system allows for earlier detection of driver drowsiness than driving pattern detection, But it is limited accuracy and insufficient reaction time in current driver drowsiness detection system have lead to the exploration of new techniques based on changes in body physiology as a function of fatigue. One promising method is the use of signals recorded from scalp electrodes that measure pattern of changing electrical activity in the brain as someone goes from a state of complete alertness to fatigue and drowsiness. This work performed a sustained-attention driving task and warning feedback system might lead to a practical closed-loop system to predict, monitor and rectify.

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