
This paper summarizes the specifications and initial evaluation results of Wire Probe Antenna (WPT) and Electric Field Detector (EFD), the key components for the electric field measurement of the Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard the Arase (ERG) satellite. WPT consists of two pairs of dipole antennas with ~ 31-m tip-to-tip length. Each antenna element has a spherical probe (60 mm diameter) at each end of the wire (15 m length). They are extended orthogonally in the spin plane of the spacecraft, which is roughly perpendicular to the Sun and enables to measure the electric field in the frequency range of DC to 10 MHz. This system is almost identical to the WPT of Plasma Wave Investigation aboard the BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, except for the material of the spherical probe (ERG: Al alloy, MMO: Ti alloy). EFD is a part of the EWO (EFD/WFC/OFA) receiver and measures the 2-ch electric field at a sampling rate of 512 Hz (dynamic range: ± 200 mV/m) and the 4-ch spacecraft potential at a sampling rate of 128 Hz (dynamic range: ± 100 V and ± 3 V/m), with the bias control capability of WPT. The electric field waveform provides (1) fundamental information about the plasma dynamics and accelerations and (2) the characteristics of MHD and ion waves in various magnetospheric statuses with the magnetic field measured by MGF and PWE–MSC. The spacecraft potential provides information on thermal electron plasma variations and structure combined with the electron density obtained from the upper hybrid resonance frequency provided by PWE–HFA. EFD has two data modes. The continuous (medium-mode) data are provided as (1) 2-ch waveforms at 64 Hz (in apoapsis mode, L > 4) or 256 Hz (in periapsis mode, L < 4), (2) 1-ch spectrum within 1–232 Hz with 1-s resolution, and (3) 4-ch spacecraft potential at 8 Hz. The burst (high-mode) data are intermittently obtained as (4) 2-ch waveforms at 512 Hz and (5) 4-ch spacecraft potential at 128 Hz and downloaded with the WFC-E/B datasets after the selection. This paper also shows the initial evaluation results in the initial observation phase.


  • The Arase/ERG (Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace) project is a mission to study the acceleration and loss mechanisms of relativistic electrons around the Earth (Miyoshi et al 2012, 2017a, b)

  • To meet the above-mentioned scientific objectives, Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) uses two sets of orthogonal electric field sensors (WPT; Wire Probe Antennas) and three-axis magnetic sensors (MSC; Magnetic Search Coil). Their signals are served to three receivers, named EFD (Electric Field Detector) covering less than ~ 100 Hz in electric field; WFC/OFA (WaveForm Capture and Onboard Frequency Analyzer) covering from 10 Hz to 20 kHz in both electric and magnetic fields; and HFA (High-Frequency Analyzer) covering from 10 to 10 MHz in electric field and from 10 to 100 kHz in magnetic field

  • This paper summarizes the specifications and initial evaluation results of the WPT and EFD systems

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Open Access

Wire Probe Antenna (WPT) and Electric Field Detector (EFD) of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard the Arase satellite: specifications and initial evaluation results. Yasumasa Kasaba1* , Keigo Ishisaka, Yoshiya Kasahara, Tomohiko Imachi, Satoshi Yagitani, Hirotsugu Kojima, Shoya Matsuda, Masafumi Shoji, Satoshi Kurita, Tomoaki Hori, Atsuki Shinbori, Mariko Teramoto, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Tomoko Nakagawa, Naoko Takahashi, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Ayako Matsuoka, Atsushi Kumamoto, Fuminori Tsuchiya and Reiko Nomura

Other instruments XEP HEP MEP
Bus System c
Initial evaluation status
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