
High-performance wire grid polarizers having the grating constant of 0.41μ have been produced, using a holographic technique. The dependence of the transmittance, T1 and T2, and the degree of the polarization, P, on the thickness of aluminum layers has been examined. It was clarified that T2 was closely related to the electric resistance of aluminum layers deposited on holographic gratings and found that in interpreting the results it was convenient to introduce, in place of the actual width of a deposited aluminum layer, a concept of the equivalent width that would be determined from a theory of perfectly conducting wire grid gratings with a measured value of T2. From the results, the optimum condition for aluminizing a holographic grating was deduced. Polarizers fabricated under this condition showed the degree of polarization of 98.6%at 2μ and 99% or more at above 3μ and the transmittance T1 of 80 to 90% over a wide wavelength range.

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