
We determined the categories of roost sites used by ruffed grouse ( Bonasa umbellus (L., 1766)) during daytime in winter from 245 radiotelemetric locations of 26 adult females. We conducted our study in the Réserve faunique de Portneuf, located in a mixed nordic-temperate softwood–hardwood forest in Quebec, Canada. We evaluated the effects of weather, snow, and habitat variables on the incidence of snow burrowing, tree roosting, and on-snow roosting using mixed multinomial models, ANOVA, and logistic regressions. The best logistic regression model of snow burrowing probability was identified using the Akaike path. The incidence of each category of roost sites was 41.2% tree roosts, 36.3% snow burrows, and 22.4% on-snow roosts. Coniferous canopy closure and depth of fluffy snow were the variables that influenced roosting behavior the most. Probability of snow burrowing increased with compaction depth and decreased with coniferous cover. Probability of tree roosting increased with temperature. On-snow roosts had a denser lateral obstruction than snow burrows, whereas tree roosts had a greater coniferous basal area, stem density, and canopy cover than snow burrows. Stand type also influenced the incidence of each category of roost sites, snow burrows dominating in deciduous stands and tree roosts dominating in mixed and coniferous stands.

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