
We studied the winter dietary characteristics of two sympatric mysid species, Mysis mixta and M. relicta, which exploit both benthic and pelagic habitats during diel vertical migrations. Samples collected before and after the ice-covered period in the northern Baltic Sea were investigated using both stomach content analyses and stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen. Both of the mysid species were omnivorous during winter and utilised both benthic and pelagic food sources. The main food source before the ice period was calanoid copepods (40 and 36% for M. mixta and M. relicta, respectively), and after ice-out calanoid copepods (23%) and zooplankton resting eggs (23%) for M. mixta and diatoms (44%) and calanoids (25%) for M. relicta. Their patterns of food utilisation broadly followed seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of the main prey groups. Although pelagic food availability is low in winter both mysid species utilised pelagic prey widely. We also show that when combining these different diet analysis methods it is important to take into account the time lag in isotopic signatures, otherwise the obtained results do not correspond but instead show the feeding history at different times.

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