
To achieve the planetary goal of zero new cases and extinguishing the current COVID-19 pandemic, the following recommendations have been proposed: Do The Five:[1] Frequent handwashing When coughing, use your elbow or a tissue Do not touch your face Stay more than 3 feet apart from others If you feel sick, stay home. Limit in-person gatherings to ten people, observing the “Five” rules above[2] Lead by example – Expect 100% adherence to the above, both from yourself and from others.[34] Remember, stay informed, follow local institutional leadership and guidelines, embrace cooperative and collaborative approaches, embrace technological advances such as point-of-care testing and telemedicine, think critically to avoid medical misinformation, and most importantly do not panic.[5678] It takes a team to win this war! Financial support and sponsorship Nil. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest.

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