
Modern quantitative spectroscopy of hot stars has two aspects: the analysis of photospheric lines and stellar wind lines. The first one is meanwhile established as an almost classical tool to determine stellar parameters. NLTE model atmosphere and line formation calculations yield Teff, log g and abundances with high precision (see recent reviews by Husfeld (this meeting), Kudritzki (1987), Kudritzki and Hummer (1986), Kudritzki, (1985)). The second aspect, however, the quantitative analysis of stellar wind lines is still at its very beginning. For long time the stellar wind lines have been used to determine mass-loss rates and terminal velocities v∞ only. While these studies were pioneering and of enormous importance, it was also clear that very approximate calculations were done with respect to NLTE ionization and excitation and the radiative transfer in stellar winds. Thus, stellar wind lines could be used only in a more qualitative comparative sense, with no theory behind, which allowed the determination of precise and reliable numbers.

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