
Radar structures are subject to heavy wind loads due to the physical size of such structures. This paper contains the methodology and assessment of a project which set out to accomplish an improved method for modelling wind loads on a radar structure. The new method employs the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to create a simulation of the conditions. Several studies on the approach to CFD testing were undertaken to optimise the process. Dimensions of domain volume and mesh density were examined for their effect on the computed solutions, as well as run time. Once an efficient set-up had been found, a scale model of the radar was analysed. Pressure distributions across the antenna face were studied from four cases, in which the prevailing wind approached from a different direction relative to the system (0°, 45°,90° and 180°). To validate the results from the CFD, a low-speed wind tunnel test was conducted. The experimental measurements were compared to the computed results and common trends were shown to exist between both sets of data.

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