
radar signals with wavelengths in the range of a few centimeters to one meter thus measuring the roughness of the sea surface. This allows the retrieval of wind and ocean wave fields. As the radar signals penetrate clouds, these sensors have all-weather capability and can acquire data also during nighttime. The Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASARs) on ENVISAT is capable of synoptically imaging the sea surface with a coverage of up to 400 km x 400 km and a resolution of down to 30 m. It is thus especially suited for sea surface observations in coastal regions and in severe weather conditions. The wave mode on ERS allows global observations with up to 1500 imagettes of a 5 x 10 km area. During the hurricane season of 2004 it has been possible to acquire ENVISAT ASAR and RADARSAT images of hurricane Frances together with optical imagery from MERIS and MODIS.

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