
This research focused on evaluating the prospect of wind energy for electric power generation in Borno State, Nigeria was carried out. Sixteen years of monthly mean wind data at 10 m height of anemometer from the ministry of aviation Maiduguri (Maiduguri meteorological center) Nigeria were assessed and snubbed to Weibull two parameter and Rayleigh model of probability distribution. It was found that its monthly and annual variation recorded for the maximum speed were 6.97 m/s in 1997 and 5.23 m/s in 2001 respectively and the minimum wind speed was 1.00m/s and occur in the year 2012. The maximum mean wind speed occurs in March, June, July and August while the minimum value occurs in September. Maiduguri is a potential wind farm area; the moderate wind falls within the consistent values for wind power generation to operate wind turbine for electric power conversion. The study also displays that Maiduguri has annual power density approximately to power class (2) which is 87.98 W/m2 showing that it is perfect for grid connection and application.

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