
Due to the emerging needs in parallel with the developing technology and industrialization, the importance of renewable energy sources is increasing with the decrease of usable fossil resources and the ever-increasing need for energy. For this reason, solutions are sought to provide the energy needed in a timely, sufficient, and reliable manner. Wind energy has the greatest potential and usage area among renewable energy sources. The wind, which has advantages such as clean, fast commissioning, reliability, and being independent of fuel, is considered a good example of a clean energy source with these features. In this study, the production potential of electrical energy from wind energy was investigated by using wind data for Sinop province. Wind energy potential on the availability of wind energy systems suitable for its natural structure for Sinop province; Visual Basic 6.0 was determined using the computer package program. In the study, hourly wind data were used and analyzes were made for suitable wind energy systems. In addition, for a possible WPPs, analysis has been made and evaluated considering the current data; The availability of wind energy in Sinop province has been tried to be revealed.

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