
Purwosuman Village is one of the villages in Sidoharjo District, which has several textile industries. The textile industry's existence provides various impacts on the environment, one of which is a decrease in water quality and quantity. Problems related to water resources trigger high costs to obtain water. This study examines the Willingness To Pay of the PDAM's desired clean water service by households and the factors influencing the value of Willingness To Pay. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. Data analysis used the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) approach to determine the value of Willingness To Pay. Multiple linear regression was performed to determine the factors that affect Willingness To Pay. This research shows that the average value of Willingness To Pay PDAM clean water tariff is IDR3.656,00/10m³; this value is more significant than the PDAM clean water rate in Sragen Regency IDR3.400,00/10m³. The total value of Willingness To Pay is IDR292.480,00. Factors that affect Willingness To Pay are income, education, and distance to water sources, while the number of family members does not affect Willingness To Pay (WTP).

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